This morning is the C1 and K1W qualifications for Junior Worlds in Roudnice. We will be headed up shortly to cheer on Marrissa and the rest of the Canadian contingent.
We've been in Prague all week training hard now that our races are over. We concluded a hard week of training with the best paddling of the trip in Full lengths yesterday. Matt and Haley stole the show. We've done a couple days of the tourist thing in Prague, and raced some ridiculously fast GoKarts. Prague is just such a good place to train, and no one has been sick!!!!
Last weekend we did a Czech race in Vir, just north of Brno, two hours east of Prague. It was a great little site with clear water, ferns, valleys, big trees, and lots of kids. There were 200 competitors for this limited attendance junior race! Pretty cool.
Graham was the best Canadian in Vir with a 6th and 9th overall. Haley was forced to paddle Graham's boat after she stuck a big rock through her's on the first day. Matt and Max were hampered on this occasion by touches.
I think the real highlight for the Canadians though was the Palicinky. The club was selling crepes with nuttella and jam, and we completely cleaned them out each day! We also had a little volley soccer tournament at our camping place.
Now it's the Jr National Team's turn to shine in Roudnice. Go Canada!
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